Upright Meaning
This card comes up when there is an emphasis on the material realm. You want to save and protect yourself for a rainy day. This takes a lot of discipline to be so conservative with your resources. It comes from a place of wanting stability and security, but it can often mean that you are trying too hard to control the world around you. Being frugal is admirable, but it is important to recognize why you feel the need to be so thrifty. Is this coming from a place of abundance or a place of lack? Your attitude will definitely influence the interpretation of this card.
Be careful that you aren't placing your worth by how much you have sitting in the bank; your value is so much more than that! Don't get tricked into thinking that your life will have more value if you owned more. It is important that you learn not to become too dependent on your possessions and see the value of your life by who you are as a person, not what you have. You need to learn to live little by ceasing control and learning to share.
Reversed Meaning
This comes as a warning that you may be acting with too much self-interest and you will soon be verging on greed. This may come from a place of insecurity and feeling like you aren't good enough, but that isn't true, you are always good enough. More stuff doesn't mean that you will be more emotionally and financially secure. It isn't wise to fix your emotional problems by focusing on the material, so don't let money control you so much. You need to look inward and find a way to soothe yourself without depending on finances.
It is time for you to move out of your comfort zone because you can't always control the outcome of your life. All this hoarding is doing you no good. There is a difference between being conservative and being stingy, where do you fall?