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Cards meaning

king of wands
king of wands

In the King of Wands, we see a figure leaning forward on his throne: he does not seem as solidly planted on his seat as the Queen but, rather, as if he is about to - or very much wanting to - spring up and into action. In this way, he represents the culmination of the suit: the fiery Wands have been directed into successful, often long-term, projects, and yet still burn brightly with passion and great energy.

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man

The key to understanding The Hanged Man is realizing that he is maintaining this hanging by choice. This card depicts a man suspended, upside down, from the branch of a tree, a bright glow around his head. He has assumed this symbolic hanging position to reflect, meditate, and become at one with the universe - the light encompassing his head represents his success in achieving this. 

The Empress
The Empress

Just as The High Priestess is one archetype of femininity, so The Empress is another: from mystery and the profoundly spiritual, we now move to the Mother Goddess figure. The Empress reclines comfortably on her throne, surrounded by the abundance of the natural world, her body language open and at ease. The water that was hidden in the previous card here flows freely, pooling at The Empress’ feet. Yet her connection to the fertile earth does not denote a lesser power than that of her sister; it is her great strength.

King of Cups
King of Cups

Unlike the Queen of the suit, the King of Cups is not directly connected to the water: his throne rests upon the waves and an artificial fish, as opposed to a live one, is hung around his neck. The King does not look at his Cup but, instead, holds it with the same grip with which he holds the scepter in his other hand. Here is creativity that has been contained and put to use.

Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles indicates keenness for new pursues. It is a card in which reveals how you are learning to convey your innovative capabilities. You learn what it really means to work diligently towards a goal. This card represents challenges that you may face along your pathת but also the possibilities of abundance as represented by the gold coin that the Page raises towards him in the depiction of the card.

Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands

We see in the traditional Rider Waite image of the Seven of Wands the figure of a man in the midst of battle; despite the clear effort and intense focus of his expression, he has literally risen above his attackers and is holding the high ground. We do not see his adversaries, simply the Wands with which they are fighting; we have the sense that, despite their greater number, he is in no danger of being overwhelmed.