Start Today with Guidance and a Glimpse of Possibilities


Cards meaning

Three of Wands
Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is a card of consolidation; unlike in the Two, here the figure looks out on his boats and is unfettered, and at ease. We have the clear sense of someone at peace with their life, and confident of their place within it.


The card of Temperance concerns balance, and harmony achieved through successfully merging all the many elements of our lives. This is seen literally in the image of the angel pouring water from one cup into another, mixing the streams in a never-ending flow. The card hints at it figuratively, too, in the way in which the figure stands with one foot on land - a symbol of the outer world - and one foot in the water, which is representative of the inner one. The path in the card’s background suggests that, with the hard-won self-awareness and openness to change brought about by The Hanged Man and Death, we are now ready to return to our lives, clarified, and with a new sense of purpose.

The Star
The Star

One of the most beautiful and beloved cards in a tarot deck, The Star epitomizes hope and healing. Unlike Temperance, here there is no pathway back through the mountains to the outer world beyond: for now, it is enough to simply allow ourselves to rest and to experience the peace that can come after a difficult trial. The Star reminds us that we are whole and that we have an infinite capacity within us to transform the darkness into beautiful light.

queen of swords
queen of swords

The Queen Of Swords is all-seeing and all-knowing. She is a character who is extremely perceptive, sharp, and intelligent. Pulling this card can indicate the value of intelligence above everything else thanks to life experience. This card is urging you to detach from your emotions, cut through the noise and focus solely on the facts. Use your critical eye to discern between fact and fiction. 

knight of wands
knight of wands

The Knight of Wands is in full charge, in contrast to the Page, who stands still, contemplating the adventures before him. The Knight's horse rears up, as keen to begin the quest as his rider, and we have the clear sense of the wind that is created in their wake: the feathers on the figure’s helmet stream out in the rushing air. This is a card of movement, action, and eagerness.

Four of Wands
Four of Wands

In the Four of Wands, we see two dancers, followed by a joyous troupe of people, leave a castle for a flower-garlanded bower. This is a card of celebration, joy, openness, and freedom; the citizens of the fortress have chosen of their own free will to come forth into the sunshine - the card can be seen as a parallel of The Tower. Here, though, rather than allowing the castle to become their prison, the people have left it of their own accord, carried along by hope, trust, and the will to celebrate the bounty that life has to offer.