Start Today with Guidance and a Glimpse of Possibilities


Cards meaning

King of Cups
King of Cups

Unlike the Queen of the suit, the King of Cups is not directly connected to the water: his throne rests upon the waves and an artificial fish, as opposed to a live one, is hung around his neck. The King does not look at his Cup but, instead, holds it with the same grip with which he holds the scepter in his other hand. Here is creativity that has been contained and put to use.

ten of swords
ten of swords

The Ten Of Swords is the apex of pain and misery, and nothing can get worse from this point; you have hit rock bottom. This energy is a very heavy one you need to contend with; feelings of betrayal, loss, sadness, and grief are what you are dealing with right now. You may feel like a victim of someone else's wrongdoing or your self-sabotage. 

Six of Pentacles
Six of Pentacles

The Six Of Pentacles is a card that indicates beautiful balance and prosperity. There is something really grounded about this energy, like an unmovable force that is able to support and structure the world around it. This is a card of sharing and helping others. 

Page of Swords
Page of Swords

The Page Of Swords is all about communication and sharing. This card urges you to be open to new ideas and a different way of thinking. Ultimately, this card is about learning and being open enough to be taught new things that can be added to your list of skills. 

The World
The World

Through the successful completion of the journey of self-discovery to inner awareness, The Fool becomes The World dancer, free, with mind, body, and soul in complete unification. The wand that was held with such focus and ambition by The Magician is held - one in each hand - lightly by The World; the power she channels flows through her and is replenished in a never-ending stream. A laurel wreath entirely circles the dancer, symbolizing triumph and achievement.

Four of Wands
Four of Wands

In the Four of Wands, we see two dancers, followed by a joyous troupe of people, leave a castle for a flower-garlanded bower. This is a card of celebration, joy, openness, and freedom; the citizens of the fortress have chosen of their own free will to come forth into the sunshine - the card can be seen as a parallel of The Tower. Here, though, rather than allowing the castle to become their prison, the people have left it of their own accord, carried along by hope, trust, and the will to celebrate the bounty that life has to offer.