choose 10 cards

back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card
back of a card

The Celtic Cross tarot spread just might be what you are missing in your regular rotation. The Celtic Cross is the oldest yet most classic of the tarot spreads. It consists of 10 card positions that represent various questions and eventually come together to make, you guessed it, a cross!

The Celtic Cross tarot spread can be overwhelming, primarily for beginners, as it involves interpreting meanings from 10 different cards together in a reading. It is successful in evoking deeper, more complex messages. This structured tarot spread is really useful in light of the fact that it helps efficiently outline the querent’s (otherwise known as the inquirer’s) question.


Tarot History

Tarot History

Different Tarot Positions

Different Tarot Positions

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What is Major Arcana and Minor Arcana?

All About Tarot

All About Tarot

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The Best Tarot Spreads for All Levels

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What is the Difference between Tarot Decks?

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How to Read Tarot

How to Read Tarot