Upright Meaning
In a reading, the Two of Wands represents personal success and goals that have been achieved, yet it also suggests discontentment. The fire inherent in the suit often burns brightest in the heat of the struggle and, once the challenge is over, can be in danger of fizzling out. The Two reminds us to stay grounded in what truly matters and to not allow ourselves to get so caught up in the pursuit of our goals that we forget why we wanted to achieve them in the first place.
This card, in its evocation of a solitary figure, also suggests that we keep in mind the importance of those who are close to us and do not allow our ambitions and accomplishments to serve as a wall that keeps others out.
Reversed Meaning
When the Two of Wands appears reversed, the lone figure frees the trapped Wand from the barricade and leaves the fortress with it, heading out into the real world below him, as in opposition to the miniature one he holds in his hands. In a reading, this points towards a time when we are stepping from the known into the unknown; into new experiences and adventures. This can be a fearful time, especially if we are leaving a situation that has brought us success in the past, but a wondrous one, if we can remain open to the opportunities that such a change offers.
The Two of Wands comforts us that, no matter who we are, happiness is only achievable from within and that, ultimately, worldly goods and accolades cannot, on their own, bring contentment. The power that the figure has, in holding the world in his hand, is an illusion: the real world is alive, breathing, and joyous, below him. Looking at the image we can sense that, at any moment, he will put down the image of the world, and step down into the real one to experience life first-hand once again.