Upright Meaning
This may be a dark time in your life, where you feel lost with nowhere to go. Everything may feel like a struggle, whether it is related to problems at work, in your relationships, or your health. This can be really hard on your self-esteem because you feel abandoned and left to fend for yourself. But this too shall pass, the only thing is, you need to be able to set aside your ego and reach out and ask for help. Help is always available to you, you just need to ask for it. You may be surprised by how many people are willing to help you out.
Misfortune is usually out of your own control, but you may want to do some introspection to figure out what choices you made that have led you to this point. It is important that you take responsibility for your own actions and see what you can learn through this hard lesson. This card is urging you to change your attitude and to adopt a positive mindset. Life will bring you many setbacks, and through the difficult moments, you get the opportunity to learn.
Reversed Meaning
It takes grit and perseverance to build yourself back up after a time of struggle and misfortune. This card indicates that the hardship you have experienced is now coming to an end and you will shortly find yourself back on your feet. This is a card of hope and a testament to your strong character. You are someone who can survive the most difficult moments and still make it out alive. It is time that you let go of a negative mindset and realize that life is full of abundance and prosperity.
Your attitude in life can make or break you. Choose to focus on the positives in your life and realize that every difficult moment has an important lesson for you to learn. You may feel like your luck has run out, but you can still reach out and ask for help.