Upright Meaning
When The Lovers card is drawn in a reading, it can point to romantic love: a love that is satisfying and complete on every level and is the culmination of two souls who have chosen (choice again) each other. This is not the card of casual relationships or passing crushes, however strong are the feelings attached to these things at the time.
However, The Lovers frequently appears when you are facing a choice, often a difficult one. It can represent a choice in which you are being urged to select the path most in alignment with your highest self, and core values - even if this path is the harder one. The card can also represent unification: bringing together seemingly disparate elements in your life to create something new, whole and harmonious.
At its core, this card shows how moving from the heart, and with love, for others, yourself, and with compassion for the world around you, is always the right choice.
Reversed Meaning
If The Lovers appears from the deck reversed, it can mean disharmony in your connection with a loved one; perhaps there is something in your relationship that you are deeply unhappy about, or maybe the strength of each person’s feelings are not equivalent. Whatever is causing the problem, solving it comes down to choice. Look honestly at the paths before you, and how you can honor and love yourself in whatever situation you find yourself in. The Lovers reversed can also show up when you’re facing a difficult decision and find yourself tempted to take the easier option that does not truly represent your values; perhaps you have started down this path already.
The Lovers gently reminds us that our stories are shaped by the choices we make; so take a step back, breathe, and look at all the options again. Once a decision is made it is just as important to trust our instincts and carry such decisions with confidence.