When this card is in its upright position it conveys new beginnings. This new beginning could be the start of a new chapter in life, a business venture, or a project that is in its developmental process. You have the ability to tap into your utmost potential and turn your desires into your reality. The card shows that you have the means to manifest your wants into attainable goals. Although this card showcases the ability to turn what you wish into real life, it only focuses on the dedication and enthusiasm to get there, not on the actual achievement. This is the time to build your strategy and carefully study your plan of action in order to achieve your rightful success.
The Page of Pentacles when it is in its reversed position indicates that you may be in the early stages of the creation of a new project. You may be trying to push forth a project but are faced with the difficulties of having it take off because of several setbacks. Your original motivation and inspiration may have been forgotten but do not worry, give yourself the space to regroup and revisit the project with new eyes. This time will give you newfound inspiration and help you succeed in your goals. You may feel as though you are being pressured into a position that you do not want to be in, but in reality, sometimes you have to take on what is less than appealing to you in order to advance in your abilities. It is crucial to fine-tune your abilities throughout your journey to get where you want to be.
It is important to learn from past setbacks. The Page of Pentacles reminds you that struggles are simply steps along the way to achieving your success. Keep an open mind and believe that today's obstacles can be exactly what leads you to tomorrow's answers.