Upright Meaning
This card indicates that events may now be moving swiftly, and projects and plans are coming together and heading towards a satisfactory conclusion: as with the Wands in the picture, things haven’t reached their endpoint yet, but are moving rapidly towards it. The Eight of Wands symbolizes what we are capable of when we direct the fire of our passions and ambitions towards an aim that is beyond the struggles of the Seven.
In a reading concerning love and relationships, the Eight can have a more specific meaning for us: in this context, it indicates the successful culmination of action that we have taken or are considering taking in matters of the heart. Perhaps, after a lengthy period of procrastination, we have decided to take the plunge and send a message to someone we are interested in, asking if they would like to go on a date. We wait nervously as the Wands fly through the air; the indications, however, are that our actions will result in a happy outcome.
Reversed Meaning
When the Eight of Wands is reversed it most often indicates that the Wands do not come to earth; that they remain in the air, and don’t reach their target and endpoint. This is a situation we are all familiar with: we desire a conclusion to a situation but cannot seem to bring one about, due to practical or emotional reasons. Sometimes it is others that prevent us from doing so: a family member we have a difficult relationship with may not be responsive to our attempts to bring about harmony, despite our efforts, for example.
In love matters, the reversed Eight indicates uncertainty. We are likely to feel unsure about the feelings of the other person or are perhaps unsure of our own. The card advises that we recognize this, and take action, rather than becoming prey to jealousy and confusion.
In both upright and reversed positions, the Eight of Wands represents the importance and power of directed action; it reminds us, too, of the potential of our inner resources, which, when directed, can allow our dreams and desires to take flight.