This card in its upright position can signify someone who is at the top of his field or class in which makes it challenging for him to maintain requests for his capabilities. It indicates someone who knows the worth of their work and their capabilities and knows how to ask for the compensation and recognition that they feel they deserve. It could also represent a workaholic tendency and difficulties asking for help from others when it comes to your work. This makes it tough to distribute tasks to others accordingly.
When upright this card showcases the risks of you losing yourself in your work life and neglecting your personal life with friends and family. Often times when you lose yourself in your work, your home life becomes almost nonexistent. Although there is a simple solution to this, maintaining balance is key in keeping both your work life and personal life in excellent shape otherwise you run the risk of forgetting your identity outside of your work completely.
This card reversed emphasizes the importance for you to maintain a balanced work and personal life. It reminds you to not intertwine the two in your identity and warns those who receive it in a reading to not lose track of your sense of self. You must see yourself beyond the work that you produce. It warns you that you may be entering into a state of which your work becomes all-consuming and reminds you not to accept such a shallow view of yourself.
There is a fine line between being devoted to your career and being a servant to it. The Eight of Pentacles reminds you that not only a strong work ethic is crucial to success but that there is no sustainability without balance and direction. Career Is only one element in the grand scheme of things.