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Cards meaning

Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups

In contrast to the Page, the Knight of Cups looks with serious intensity at his Cup as his horse approaches a thin and slow-moving stream. Despite the wings of the Knight’s helmet and the strength of his steed, this is not a card of movement or fast-paced action, but one of dreams and desires that may not yet be fully recognized.

The Fool
The Fool

The Fool is the first card in the Major Arcana; and yet he does not have a number. He is ‘0’, standing for both everything and nothing. The Fool is infinite possibilities; he is the decision to make a journey, to have an adventure, and to discover - even if that decision isn’t made consciously. The Fool is a special card, and careful attention should be paid to him whenever he pops up in a reading.

The Emperor
The Emperor

Here, we discern a long-held symbol of earthly power: a white-haired man, stern, wearing armor beneath his regal garments, and seated on a stone throne. Note the scepter The Emperor holds, bearing the universal sigil of the male sex, and compare this to The Empress’ totem of femininity, which is carved onto a heart-shaped stone and rests against her dais. His throne bears the images of four rams’ heads, linking The Emperor to the sign Aries, which is ruled by Mars, the God of War. The Emporer is power and strength. The extent to which these can be used for good or ill depends entirely on the personality that directs them.

Six of Wands
Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is the ultimate expression of the Fire optimism: we do not know if the triumphant figure depicted on the card, lauded by the followers processing with him, is returning home after a great triumph or riding into battle. What matters is that his very belief in life and his own abilities have assured both his past and future successes.

Two of Wands
Two of Wands

In the Two of Wands, we see a man standing, alone, atop a walled fortress, holding the world in one of his hands. In the other, he holds one of the Wands of the card, while the second Wand has been fastened to the ramparts on his right. Like this bound Wand the figure here has been hemmed in by his success, and we can imagine him pondering on what, exactly, it has brought him.

two of pentacles
two of pentacles

The Two Of Pentacles card serves to reflect the cycle of life. There are often both highs and lows in life and there are always constant energy fluctuations you need to mitigate and make sense of. Life is all about learning to find the balance between the two extremes.