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Cards meaning

Ace of Swords
Ace of Swords

As a suit, Swords are linked to Air, which is the element of the intellect and the mind. In the Ace of Swords, we see a hand emerging from a cloud holding the emblem of the suit; a crown surmounts the Sword - a symbol of triumph and victory in the material world.

The World
The World

Through the successful completion of the journey of self-discovery to inner awareness, The Fool becomes The World dancer, free, with mind, body, and soul in complete unification. The wand that was held with such focus and ambition by The Magician is held - one in each hand - lightly by The World; the power she channels flows through her and is replenished in a never-ending stream. A laurel wreath entirely circles the dancer, symbolizing triumph and achievement.

Three of Swords
Three of Swords

Three of Swords is usually easy to understand even for those who are completely new to the tarot. In this image we see three Swords pierce a heart that is suspended in a grey sky from which rain slants down. And yet, not all is as it seems, for this card is as concerned with hope, just as much as it is with emotional pain.

Three of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is the card of mastery and skill which can often lead to recognition and attaining a good reputation in work and business. This card also shows a knack for teamwork and collaboration and being open to working with others. 

Nine of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles depicts a woman standing in a garden, dressed in a way that signifies a high status. The card symbolizes a comfortable lifestyle that has been achieved based on merit. It indicates that managing resources and looking ahead is what ensures long-lasting livelihood.

The Devil
The Devil

The Devil card depicts a male and a female demon, with chains about their necks, held captive by a central devil figure. Although if examined more closely: the chains are loose. These human-like figures could easily slip out of them and be free. Their captivity, therefore, is optional; or perhaps a price that they are willing to pay for something else. The Devil, thus, represents what can happen when primal forces, kept in harmony by Temperance and used with direction by The Hanged Man, are allowed to rage unchecked.