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Cards meaning

Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune

Life is like a wheel and, sometimes, we need to accept that it will turn, this is the fundamental message of this card. Just as the snake depicted on the card follows the downward slide of the wheel, so the fox ascends with the very same turn. The sphinx that sits on top of the wheel in the Rider Waite version of the card symbolizes both mystery and Horus, the Egyptian God of resurrection. Whereas The Chariot depicted the sphinxes pulling the carriage, facilitating its passage, in this card the sphinx’s position at the top of the wheel, above its relentless cycle, suggests that there are things beyond the turning wheel of life that we can only dimly comprehend but that infuse our existence nonetheless.

Seven of Swords
Seven of Swords

Discretion and caution are advised with The Seven Of Swords. Someone is up to no good, so be aware because you may be deceived, or are you the deceiver? This card has a trickster quality to it, you need to be careful of who you trust with your secrets. There are ulterior motives at play, so be aware of any manipulation and unethical behavior. This card represents dishonesty, lies, betrayal, and deception, but it will also teach you to be honest with your intentions.

Ace of Swords
Ace of Swords

As a suit, Swords are linked to Air, which is the element of the intellect and the mind. In the Ace of Swords, we see a hand emerging from a cloud holding the emblem of the suit; a crown surmounts the Sword - a symbol of triumph and victory in the material world.

Eight of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles represents working hard and producing something that is substantial as a result. This card depicts an artist working in stone which symbolizes craftsmanship, employment, and diligence. This indicates how consistent hard work coincides with achievement. It can also represent recognition from others for such skills.

queen of swords
queen of swords

The Queen Of Swords is all-seeing and all-knowing. She is a character who is extremely perceptive, sharp, and intelligent. Pulling this card can indicate the value of intelligence above everything else thanks to life experience. This card is urging you to detach from your emotions, cut through the noise and focus solely on the facts. Use your critical eye to discern between fact and fiction. 

Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles indicates keenness for new pursues. It is a card in which reveals how you are learning to convey your innovative capabilities. You learn what it really means to work diligently towards a goal. This card represents challenges that you may face along your pathת but also the possibilities of abundance as represented by the gold coin that the Page raises towards him in the depiction of the card.