Start Today with Guidance and a Glimpse of Possibilities


Cards meaning

The Fool
The Fool

The Fool is the first card in the Major Arcana; and yet he does not have a number. He is ‘0’, standing for both everything and nothing. The Fool is infinite possibilities; he is the decision to make a journey, to have an adventure, and to discover - even if that decision isn’t made consciously. The Fool is a special card, and careful attention should be paid to him whenever he pops up in a reading.

Two of Wands
Two of Wands

In the Two of Wands, we see a man standing, alone, atop a walled fortress, holding the world in one of his hands. In the other, he holds one of the Wands of the card, while the second Wand has been fastened to the ramparts on his right. Like this bound Wand the figure here has been hemmed in by his success, and we can imagine him pondering on what, exactly, it has brought him.

Ace of Swords
Ace of Swords

As a suit, Swords are linked to Air, which is the element of the intellect and the mind. In the Ace of Swords, we see a hand emerging from a cloud holding the emblem of the suit; a crown surmounts the Sword - a symbol of triumph and victory in the material world.

The World
The World

Through the successful completion of the journey of self-discovery to inner awareness, The Fool becomes The World dancer, free, with mind, body, and soul in complete unification. The wand that was held with such focus and ambition by The Magician is held - one in each hand - lightly by The World; the power she channels flows through her and is replenished in a never-ending stream. A laurel wreath entirely circles the dancer, symbolizing triumph and achievement.

The Empress
The Empress

Just as The High Priestess is one archetype of femininity, so The Empress is another: from mystery and the profoundly spiritual, we now move to the Mother Goddess figure. The Empress reclines comfortably on her throne, surrounded by the abundance of the natural world, her body language open and at ease. The water that was hidden in the previous card here flows freely, pooling at The Empress’ feet. Yet her connection to the fertile earth does not denote a lesser power than that of her sister; it is her great strength.

Seven of Cups
Seven of Cups

Seven Cups appear in the air before a figure containing fabulous treasure, success, and achievements - and danger. The stance of the person beholding this array of desires, hopes, and fears suggests surprise, wonder, and hesitation about which Cup - if any - to choose.