Seven of Swords

Upright Meaning 

Sneakiness is rife! This card comes as a warning sign to let you know that something in your life is not to be trusted. Use your mental alertness to protect yourself from deception and manipulation. Traditionally this card signifies a betrayal and something going on behind your back, but this can also be a moment for you to check in with yourself and question your own motives. Are you using unethical means to get the upper hand? 

Impulsiveness is not advised right now; you need to act carefully with enough thought about the consequences of your actions before you proceed ahead. This is not the moment to throw all caution to the wind. Using shortcuts and looking for the easy way out may just get you in more trouble, remember, it is about working smarter, not harder. However, you need to be certain that your actions won't have a negative impact on yourself and those around you. 

Reversed Meaning 

Being your most authentic self can be scary; you need to be okay with being vulnerable and letting others see your true colors. Pretending to be someone you are not isn't working out. You need to be willing to come face-to-face with the truth and realize that sneaking around isn't doing you any good whatsoever. The truth will set you free.

This card is a warning that any dishonest decision is going to have difficult consequences and you are going to have to pay the price for your deception. Eventually, all secrets come to the light. Embrace a more honest approach, and recognize that working hard for what you want is a lot more satisfying than sneaking around going for all the shortcuts. This is a chance for you to set things right and to create healthier new habits and patterns you can be proud of.