In a reading, Judgement points to an important change in our lives and can mean that a pivotal decision needs to be made. In most cases, we know in our hearts what needs to be done, or what choice we need to make; it is simply a case of acknowledging this so that, like the figures in the card, we are ready to step out of our current situation and into a new reality. However, although this sounds simple, taking this first step up into the light can be the hardest thing of all. Judgement assures us, though, that the old ways, the old modes of thinking, have already died. Our job now is to let these things fall away from us.
Sometimes the situation that Judgement refers to can be fundamental to the circumstances of a person’s way of life, and just as often it can relate to ‘ordinary’ changes that, still, can have a significant impact: the choice to change one’s diet to lead a healthier life, or the choice between two job offers. The details differ, but the card’s message remains the same: we know instinctively what we must do.
When Judgement appears in a reading reversed, it most often indicates that we are attempting to ignore the clarion call to tread what we know, in our hearts, is the right path. This is usually through a sense of understandable fear; we make excuses to not take the first step out of our current reality - perhaps we’re worried about failure, or what others will think, or the difficulty of the route before us. Judgement counsels that, ultimately, all excuses are futile and the only choice is to recognize that the change within has already happened.
Judgement, whether upright or reversed, indicates that the possibility of transformation has been realized. The Sun has clarified us with its benign light, allowing us to see the potentialities in every aspect of our lives: our new life is there for the taking; all we need to do is to take the first step on the path before us.