Four of Wands

Upright Meaning

In a reading, The Four of Wands indicates a love for life, and that there need be no excuse for celebrating its abundance. Often, it can indicate a shift from a defensive, closed state of mind to an open one, and the difference in our lives that can manifest as a result.

This card also points to situations in which, often, maintaining a positive frame of mind can act similarly to a self-fulfilling prophecy: we believe in ourselves and our abilities, and find that things more easily fall into place around us as a result.

More than anything else, the Four of Wands invites us to relax, recognize and celebrate our achievements, and, for now, allow ourselves to put our cares to one side and enjoy a well-earned good time with those we care for.

Reversed Meaning

Similar to the reversed Sun, the Four of Wands on its head often indicates that those good times are there for the taking, but perhaps we don’t recognize this or have become blase about the blessings in our life. Where this is the case, the reversed card suggests we look again with fresh eyes, to discern the magic inherent in our daily existence.

When reversed, it can mean that the peaceful confidence of the Four has been disrupted: rather than having an abundant mindset that anticipates positive outcomes, we feel off-balance and anxious. Where this is relevant, the card advises us to consciously ground ourselves, to find a close friend or family member with whom we can share our anxieties, to make sure that we don’t lose the confidence that we need if we are to leave the fortress for the sunshine.

The Four of Wands assures us that celebration, relaxation, and simple good times are just as important an aspect of wholeness as the intense introspection represented by some of the other cards. So, whether it’s to mark a major milestone or simply for making it through the week - rejoice.