Ace of Pentacles

Upright Meaning

This card in an upright position indicated abundant opportunities in your life, especially those that can help you grow on a material level. Your manifestations around money and prosperity are making some headway. This is an opportunity for you to plant some new seeds and to watch them grow. This is an exciting time filled with fresh energy and good fortune. This is a time to show gratitude for your blessings and to recognize that you are truly rich on a holistic level. This is all about keeping your energy high and allowing positive vibes to flow towards you. 

There are some fun ideas building up inside you and it is time for you to manifest them into reality. This is the perfect moment for you to put your intentions out into the Universe and to allow lady luck to step in and help you on your journey. You are being supported, so continue believing in the possibilities, and remember when you ask, you shall receive. 

Reversed Meaning

You need to pay closer attention to your finances by saving and building a little nest egg for yourself. This is to help you land softly in times of setbacks. This is about being smart with your money, and putting something away for a rainy day. It is important for you to make some financial goals for yourself, that way you know what you are working towards. This may ease quite a bit of stress off your shoulders in the future. Things may feel steady and secure right now, but you never know when the winds of change will come your way. It is better to be prepared for the worst. 

You have the potential to turn all your dreams into reality, you just need to keep your eyes and ears open for those golden-ticket opportunities. You may need to put the work in to watch your seeds grow, but the best things in life take a mixture of magic and sacrifice. Believe in your ability to manifest your desires with ease.